
Useful Contacts

St Thomas's Church
Buxton Road
High Lane

Vicar:     While we are without a Vicar, please contact either Rev’d Ashleigh Askwith (Curate) or Malcolm Bennett (Warden). Any calls to the vicarage will be received by an answerphone (01663 766448).

Curate: Rev'd. Ashleigh Askwith 07726 937939

Church Warden: Malcolm Bennett 01663 765220

Verger: Robert Taylor. 01663 763478.

Honorary Secretary PCC: Les Coop 01663 830077

Honorary Treasurer: Geoff Gaskell 01663 763796.

Finance Manager: Alvin West 07709 034470

Gift Aid: Alvin West 07709 034470

Caretaker: Steve Billinge 07855 053404

Safeguarding Officer: Janet Bailey 07767 228135 or

Wives Group: Karen Ganly 01663 762698 & Lesley Longworth 01663 810288

Eco Group: Shan Alexander  07766 664611

Magazine Advertising: Mary Berry 01663 762393

Magazine Editor: Christine Wright 

Magazine Distribution:  Jean & Robert Taylor 01663 763478

Web Site:  Peter Jonas


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